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Image Credit: ©Kai-hung Fung 2009, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong and Donhee Ham Research Group/Harvard SEAS


640px Speaker Headshots-AmyA-Batch C

Amy Apon

Program Director

Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering


Sherri Bailey

National Library of Medicine

National Institutes of Health

Carol Bessel-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b7

Carol Bessel

Section Head

Division of Translational Impacts, Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships

Jonathan Braxton-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b9

Jonathan Braxton

Financial Staff Associate

Division of Grants and Agreements, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Philip Emswiler

Program Analyst

Office of the Inspector General

Quadira Dantro-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b4

Quadira Dantro

Division Director

Division of Institution and Award Support, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management

Jean Feldman

Head, Policy Office

Division of Institution and Award Support, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Catherine Flanley

Program Director

Office of International Science and Engineering, Office of the Director


Rebecca Hermanowicz

Assistant General Counsel

Office of the General Counsel, Office of the Director


Samantha Hunter

Senior Grants Policy Specialist

Division of Institution and Award Support; Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


LeRoy Jones

Program Director

Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM, Directorate for STEM Education


Alicia Knoedler

Office Head

Office of Integrative Activities,
Office of the Director

Jorge Valdes Kroff-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b11

Jorge Valdes Kroff

Program Director

Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Jeremy Leffler-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b8

Jeremy Leffler

Outreach Specialist

Division of Institution and Award Support; Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Shaun Minick

Branch Chief

Cost Analysis, Division of Institution and Award Support, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Justin Poll

Acting Branch Chief

Payments and Analytics Branch, Division of Financial Management, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management

Rochelle Ray-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b10

Rochelle Ray

Branch Chief

Resolution and Advanced Monitoring, Division of Institution and Award Support, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Carole Read

Program Director

Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, Directorate for Engineering


Samuel Scheiner

Program Director

Division of Environmental Biology, Directorate for Biological Sciences

Sherish Shah-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b

Sehrish Shah

Financial Management Specialist

Division of Financial Management, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management

Leonard Spinu-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b3

Leonard Spinu

Program Director

Division of Materials Research, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences


Sarah Stalker-Lehoux

Deputy Chief

Research Security Strategy and Policy, Office of the Director

640px Speaker Headshots-LStinger-Batch C

Lauren Stinger

Investigative Attorney

Office of the Inspector General


Bart Trawick


Customer Services Section, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

Trish Van Zandt-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b5

Patricia Van Zandt

Program Director

Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

Jeff Vieceli

Office Head

Systems Office, Division of Institution and Award Support, Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management


Jennifer Wade

Program Director

Division of Earth Sciences, Directorate for Geosciences

Stephanie Yee-640px Speaker Headshots-Batch b2

Stephanie Yee

IT Specialist

Division of Enterprise Services, Office of the Chief Information Officer