Image Credit: ©Kai-hung Fung 2009, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong and Donhee Ham Research Group/Harvard SEAS
Privacy Policy
The information collected through this app is not maintained by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF’s contractor, Davis Management Group Incorporated, use third-party vendors Constant Contact, Salesforce, and Stova to facilitate event registration and to track and store contact information for future events.
The information that is collected includes information submitted during event registration, through the event registration form, and information about app usage throughout the event. Your contact information is used to register you for events and to keep you informed about future events and updates. Information you share on your location is used to help provide relevant session information and to analyze event attendance patterns by geographic region. Information about your app usage is collected to improve the event experience and to assess the popularity of different sessions. This information is used by the National Science Foundation to shape future events to better inform and serve the research community.